Helpful Tips on How to Restore Your Home after a Fire

Moving on after a disaster is always hard, but there are always guidelines to help you take the first few tentative steps to recovery. A house fire can be one of those unexpected disasters.

Cleaning up after a house fire is both physically and emotionally exhausting. It can be annoying as well as perplexing as you try to figure out what to do and which services are available to assist you in cleaning your home and salvaging some of your assets.

You’ll have to deal with water, smoke, and ash damage in addition to dealing with burned and damaged things. Before you can return to normal, your walls may need to be cut out and replaced, and your carpets, flooring, cabinetry, furniture, and appliances may need to be dried out, removed, or repaired.

If you find yourself in this precarious scenario, don’t panic. Here’s how to clean up after a fire in your home.

You Need to Have Protection

If you’ll be helping to clean up after your house fire, make sure you’re protected from any chemicals released by the flames. When working, you should never work in a contained room; instead, allow fresh air to circulate throughout your home by opening all windows and doors. 

To protect yourself from fumes and dust, you should wear strong work gloves, suitable eye protection, and a mask.

Ensure You Remove All the Trash

When fire officials and your insurance company have permitted you to return to your home for cleaning, you should start with garbage collection. If the working environment is uncomfortable for you, you should contact a professional flood and fire damage restoration company. They’ll assist you in getting rid of all the rubbish and removing anything that could promote mold growth. 

Unless the company can rescue items like curtains, shirts, and other wet fabrics, you may have to part with them. They might be able to clean and disinfect the goods for you, but if they can’t, the best option is to discard them.

Clean Everything of Soot

After a home fire, some items can be recovered. They may have some soot residue from the fire, but you may clean it off using a special cleaning. Use a soft sponge to apply the cleanser to the goods after diluting it with water. To remove soot residue from your walls and other surfaces, use a trisodium phosphate cleaner. 

Allow the area to air dry once you’ve cleaned it. To get rid of the odor, wipe out all of your cabinetry, inside and out. If you have any lingering smoke odors in your house, a professional flood and fire damage restoration company can help get rid of them.

Wash and Clean the Walls and Ceilings

Cleaning out the walls and ceilings after a fire in your home is crucial. You must ensure that your home’s structure is protected from future damage, such as mold growth. 

If your ceiling and walls have minimal dampness and soot residue, just clean them with a hot water and bleach solution. This mixture will disinfect your home’s interior surfaces and prevent the formation of mold and mildew. 

A professional flood damage restoration company may do this inspection to ensure that your home’s structural integrity is protected and to advise you on whether or not you need to repair or replace any components of your walls or ceiling.


After you call the fire department, be sure to contact a local flood and fire damage restoration company as well. Before anything is hauled out, your insurance company may demand images of the damage, so once you notify the fire department, you should also phone a local and reputable water and fire damage restoration company. 

If you need a fire damage restoration service, Restoration Masters is the one for the job! We provide full-service restoration for both residential and commercial buildings. Contact us today to find out how we can help you in your house restoration.

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